Neonatology Unit

Neonatology Unit

The Neonatal Intensive Care Unit of Teaching Hospital Jaffna is the most advanced “Level III” neonatal unit in Sri Lanka and functions as the main referral and training center for the rest of the country.

It takes the responsibility of managing all sick babies born in the hospital and also undertakes the management of sick neonates who need intensive care, transferred from both other private and government hospitals.

In addition to the care of the sick new-born, Neonatal Intensive Care Unit is able to provide expert medical and nursing care for the extremely premature and the very low birth weight babies with intact survival in. the majority of babies more than 500g and more than 27 weeks gestation.

Over the years Neonatal Intensive Care Unit of Teaching Hospital Jaffna have gained great experience regarding ventilation for lung disease, neonatal sepsis control and management of parenteral nutrition therapy etc. which are necessary for the proper management of critically ill new-borns.