Dermatology Unit.
The Dermatology Unit of the Teaching Hospital Jaffna provides necessary inward care and outpatient care through general dermatology clinics. Facilities for minor dermatological surgeries and chemical cauterization facilities are currently available while electro cauterization and cryotherapy (liquid nitrogen therapy) facilities which we have, add more value to the dermatological interventions for cosmetically important diseases.
Dermatology unit provides a wide range of services for infective and inflammatory skin conditions, benign & malignant skin tumours and especially, especially for cosmetically important skin lesions. Acne treatment, chemical cauterization for non-infective lesions, punch grafts for cosmetic problems such as vitiligo, chemical peeling for cosmetic skin problems such as pimple induced pigmentation, anti-aging treatments for fine wrinkles and cosmetically concerned pigmentation disorders, liquid nitrogen therapy for viral warts, minor skin surgeries, inward care for severe dermatosis, dermatological interventions including PRP therapy generalized or patchy hair loss and treatment for nail disorders are some of the services provided by the dermatology unit.