About Us

About Us


The Teaching Hospital Jaffna, established in the 1850s, is a leading healthcare provider and the only tertiary centre for the whole of the Northern Province which encompasses five districts namely Jaffna, Killinochi, Mannar Mullaitivu and Vavuniya. The hospital is located in the centre of Jaffna and nearly 400 km away from Colombo. The hospital has both inpatient and outpatient departments, as well as clinic facilities. Its functioning units include General Medicine, General Surgery, Pediatrics, Gynecology and Obstetrics, Cardiology, Cardiothoracic Surgery, Dermatology, Rheumatology, Orthopedics, Neonatology, Neurology, Neurosurgery, Psychiatry, ENT Surgery, Dental care services, Maxillofacial Surgery, Eye unit, Genito-urinary Surgery, Plastic surgery, Surgical Oncology, Chest Medicine, Lanboaratory services and Imaging services.
With a bed strength of over 1310 and a staff of over 2000, the hospital covers an area of 13.7 acres and operates through more than 75 units. The Teaching Hospital Jaffna caters to over 700 000 patients annually, of which over 20% are outside patients seeking treatment.
The hospital handles over 20,000 obstetric admissions and over 5582 deliveries annually. In addition, over 22000 minor and 13000 major surgeries are performed annually to provide better healthcare services to the people. The State of the art laboratory at the Teaching Hospital Jaffna provides a tremendous service to patients. In recent years, the hospital has implemented a rapid development program to improve its infrastructure and quality of work. This program aims to enhance the hospital’s ability to provide high-quality healthcare services to its patients.